Friday, December 30, 2011


blcc. my home church for the last year and a few months. so many sweet and wonderful people of God. i got three chances to share here in nov and dec. one in church. one with my awana girls. and then to the huge group of awana-ites. oh boy, public speaking is NOT my forte. but still such a great opportunity to share my trip and watch God work! anyways, i'm going to be eating bugs pretty soon. so, sharing with a few people about my trip? piece of cake! bring on the adventure, baby, i can hardly wait!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

round two.

with a little prep and a little courage, this one went a tiny bit better than the last as i got up to share my africa story with my all of my wonderful church family in idaho. 
i am amazingly blessed to have such supportive and loving people behind me as i make my trek to new parts of the world. 
thank you dear friends and thank you jesus for providing them for me. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

round one.

africa sharing. church one. neah bay assembly of god. after a weekend of wonderful visits at my aunt and uncles... 10:15 sunday morning: as aunt jeanne and mom walked out the door to church, jeanne says something about me testifying in church. they leave. ok. great. and for the next few minutes there's a wall in my brain. what do i say? an hour and a half later, i fumble around for words in front of fiftyish people and make it through.. BY GOD'S GRACE! the good news is: it broke the ice. my stage fright has diminished just from that. one church down, two to go. i think ;) thanks for wonderful visits and out-of-comfortzone experiences, jeanne and james! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tangibly closer!

as the days draw closer to my departure, it becomes more real to me. this little document, which by the way cost more than drivers ed did back in high school, has the ability to help me leave, and more importantly come back, to the country. 
africa is getting closer. quickly, getting closer. and i can hardly wait. and yet i can. each day is precious and God has me right where i'm at for a purpose. dear Jesus, help me not loose sight of that!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

here's your soil to work with Lord :)

ahh, what a relief... almost all letters addressed, stamped and STUFFED! thanks cecelia, andrew, shane and mama for the addresses! now they are in the hands of our dear USPS.

The beginning...

Fifteen weeks left until I leave for Tanzania. Wow, when you put it that way, it's nothing. The hours, days, and weeks will fly by. Already by the end of this week September will have come and gone!
Goodness, excitement races through me. Could this actually be happening? Is this shy little chic from Idaho actually gonna hit the runways and airports and trek through bugs and snakes and wild animals and GO TO AFRICA? God, you're gonna work in mighty ways and I have no idea what those ways will be. It scares me in one way, but thrills me in another. I TRUST YOU! ;)