Friday, June 22, 2012

the big city.

“For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10

We’re in the big city now. More places to shop, more people to see, more things to do. And yet, here we are, struck powerless half the time. Welcome to Dar es Salaam! Thank goodness the compound we live on has a generator. But alas, they mostly have it on at night, so during the day, we’re left to flush the toilet with water from a jug, wash dishes the very old fashion way, and unable to charge our electronics until nightfall. Idaho home, I’m coming to you, soon!

There was one day where we had power, but the outlets (downstairs at least) weren’t working. I casually made the comment that it would be nice if – during the day at least – we could have power to the outlets and no power to the lights. The power went out that night. And when it came back on, it was, you guessed it, to the outlets. Out of the mouths of prophets…

That same night we were fan-less and the air was muggy, warm, and as still as me when I sleep (my cousin once told her mom after she shared a bed with me, “Mom, I kept looking over and thinking, ‘is she dead?!’”). I couldn’t sleep for a long time, and I felt quite miserable. That was one of those nights where you lay in bed, think about your life, feel like you’re trapped in the place you’re living and cry. My mom tried calling me from Skype, but it didn’t work. I did get to hear her voice though, and it cheered me a little. I eventually fell asleep, sticky.

The next day was a sad one for me, but mostly only when I was feeling hot. There were a few things on my mind, things that didn’t help my sad case at all. That evening, when it cooled off and the power came back on, God blessed me with joy after the storm. I got to cook with Tricia and mash potatoes, the kids were being silly at dinner, and I was finally cool. I’m not sure what it is, but when I’m hot, it puts me in a most awful, ‘it’s the end of the world’ mood. Dear Lord, please never call me to a place that’s hot!

One day as Tricia and I took a bajaj – a three wheeled vehicle popular in India and cheaper here than a taxi – to go shopping a bit, we saw a white guy walking along the road with a backpack. Along the same road was a goat eating grass, a sight not unusual in Africa. The man noticed the goat, stopped, and smiled like it was an unusual sight for him. Tricia and I couldn’t help but smile. Maybe he was a tourist… T.I.A.!

Saturday we had great plans to visit White Sands Hotel and spend a relaxing day there, just us three girls. DJ and Garrett were off in Kenya, so why not? The day dawned, and we left almost on time at about 7:40. We were bound for the ATM, and then the hotel. I had a Skype date with my Mama at eight.

The ATM was farther than I realized, but that would have been ok. If it had worked. I tried two different ATMs right next door to each other. No go. Our bajaj driver took us to others. They were either closed or not working. Tricia then called the gal who lives on our compound and works for the owner. ATMs were down. All over the city. By this time, it was way past eight and we were LATE. My phone didn’t have enough credit to text my Mama, so I had to use Tricia’s and her credit was getting low too. We ended up having to temporarily use some money that DJ and Tricia had been saving. We finally arrived at the hotel around 8:45, paid to spend the day there, and then bought internet credit. I was thrilled to finally be there and be able to Skype. But fate would have it (God in this case!) that Mom’s Skype was being naughty and we couldn’t chat. By now I was almost in tears from all the silliness and frustration. So was Mom.

Tricia bought me phone credit at the hotel, so I could finally text my mama. That was a relief. I got on Facebook, and after more frustration for poor mama, we finally got to Facebook chat. And God knew best. She got to tell me all she wanted, unhindered (by ears that shouldn’t have heard if we’d skyped). As she told me news I didn’t want to hear about family issues and a change of plans concerning my return, I sat there in the little internet room that thankfully didn’t have many people in it, tears streaming down my face. Like my Aunt Kelli says, ‘tears come when they want, where they want.’ Truer words have hardly been spoken!

Despite all the unfortunate news, I was thankful for a Mama chat. She told me I needed to come home now J I’m coming so soon, Mama! After doing Facebook and internet things and getting some much needed away time, I wandered out to the pool and let Avery talk me into a cool dip in the pool while we waited for our lunch. I did have lots of fun, and giggled and made noises like a little kid does in a swimming pool. So much for being an adult!

When our food came, mine was a ham and cheese sandwich smothered in cheesy goodness, and I enjoyed every single bite of it. I relaxed the rest of the afternoon away lounging on a chair between the pool and the beach. I read a small chunk from my book – small due to the size of the book. It’s ‘Gone With the Wind’ – and worked on my tan. I even got a bit of color on my legs, wonder of wonders!

Ever since we’ve been in Dar, some poor soul in our household has been fighting a cold. Right now it’s Tricia. Thursday we were to go grocery shopping with Amy. But come Thursday morning, Tricia wasn’t feeling up to it, so it was up to me and Amy to go grocery shopping. It had been quite a time since I’d really been grocery shopping in a real supermarket store. I was a mess! There were so many choices, and I didn’t know the stores that well. God was good though. Amy is a pro at shopping and helped me loads. We had a grand time together and even lived it up: we shared a Bounty bar (like Mounds) and later, a delectable doughnut. When Avery and I were by the same bakery later, she pointed in the window and commented on how wonderful the doughnuts looked. I agreed that they did, and then wondered if I should fess up. I figured I should. Later!

While on our little shopping trip, we were on a time constraint because of our taxi driver. I had a great hope of going to Mr. Price, a place with most adorable clothes, to look for a dress to wear home. I was in and out in twenty minutes, and I had success. I bought one! And now Tricia will take it to Holland next week to maybe wear to a wedding she’s going to. Oh and her gone means… Avy and I are doing almost all the cooking. Yahoo! Look out kitchen!

I have about 19 days left, and the days are going fast. I love being here, but the more I think and talk about home foods, family, and all the little comforts of home, homesickness and desire for home ensues. And Mom’s ready for her daughter to come home, and I wish I could be there to help her and be with her. I am so thankful for God’s grace that helps me to be content here where I am and where he put me.

Weekly thanks….
*         For Malcolm Israel Olson – one of my very best friend’s new babies. Tessa, I’m coming soon to see you and your wonderful little one!
*         My Mama’s servant’s heart: she lead VBS again this year
*         That Dar isn’t as hot as it is in most other months
*         Lots of time to read my book
*         Time that power outages give you… like playing a game as a family when you might have been doing something electronic
*         Girl time with Amy
*         A new dress
*         Getting to go grocery shopping – something I do kind of enjoy, but have been mostly unable to do these last few months
*         Daily chances to serve others
*         Making chapatis with our house girl today
*         The kids making me laugh with their goofy antics

Ps – Mama, this is early, but…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 28th! Live it up and just imagine all the birthday gifts you’ll get when I get back. From Africa! J

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Happy Birthday my tamu binti! Gabby told me not to look in the back of the car :) but wanted to make sure I liked the vanilla stuff from bath & body works ;-) Hang in there!! 2 more weeks! Holy Moly! Wow! That's soon! :) Penda! Mama Mom
